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Nuestro viaje
Samuel A. Caruso founded the Sam Caruso Fruits and Company.
John Lobono joined Sam and formed the Caruso and Lobono Company.
Caruso and Lobono moved their location from Court St. to Front and Vine, then “The Bottoms,” and now “The Banks.”
Sam’s son James J. Caruso joined after serving with the 3rd U.S. Infantry, known as “The Old Guard,” at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier.
Caruso and Ciresi Inc. were formed with the addition of Charles, Thomas, and Sam Ciresi. Sam Caruso was named President.
Jim Caruso Sr. purchased Sam Caruso’s interest and was named President.

Caruso & Ciresi moved to Second and Plum Streets to make way for Riverfront Stadium.
Charles Ciresi sold his interest to Jim Caruso Sr.
Dan Garret was named President and partners with Kevin, Mike, Steve, and Jim Caruso Jr. after Jim Sr. sold
his full investment.
Kevin Caruso was named President after Dan Garrett sold his full interest.
Caruso-Ciresi, Inc. changed its corporate name to Caruso Inc.
Caruso Processing Company was formed and opened a new facility in Northern KY. This location provided value-added packaging and specialized ripening services for bananas, tomatoes, avocados, and more.
Caruso added a new facility on the north side of Cincinnati to accommodate rapid growth and relocated
Caruso Processing Company.
Relocated the entire operation due to the worse flood since 1964, cresting at 65 feet and, in some places, the
worst since the Great Flood of 1937. And Caruso Trucking LLC was formed.

Caruso Inc. officially moved from Second and Plum Street to make way for Paul Brown Stadium and Great American Ball Park and relocated to the Tri-County location.
Kevin and Mike Caruso sell their interest to Jim and Steve Caruso. Jim Caruso Jr. is named President and CEO. Mike continues as VP of Procurement.
Caruso Inc moved to our current location at 3465 Hauck Road in Sharonville, Ohio.
Caruso Inc. became a provider of Union Pacific Distribution Services (UPDS) to provide long-haul rail services with the flexibility of over-the-road movement. Refrigerated and ambient storage services were then offered.
Jeff Burt is named President of Caruso Inc/York Street Foods.
From 1932 to Today
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